Atelier Restaurant

Atelier Restaurant

70 кв. м
753 sq. ft
Длина x ширина x высота:
12,3 x 5,7 x 2,5 m
39 x 16 x 7 ft
Natural light: indirectly

Restaurant Atelier

The award-winning Atelier restaurant is located on the ground floor of the hotel. It was designed by renowned Belgian art dealer Axel Vervoordt in a tastefully luxurious style reminiscent of an artist’s atelier, with the low ceiling lending the room an intimate atmosphere. The Atelier private room, which is tucked away behind a mobile wall designed by Dirk Vander Eecken, leads to a small terrace nestled in Amur maple, known as the silent garden. Together with the aperitif bar, the ensemble is perfect for events in select company.

Комбинации помещений и возможности объединений

Максимальная вместимость здания

18 человек
30 человек

Kontakt für Reservierungen im Restaurant
